What is the province’s business community looking for in the 2017 Ontario Budget?
Thursday, April 27, the Ontario government will unveil its 2017-2018 Budget.
Drawing specifically on the resolutions passed at last year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC), the 2017 Provincial Pre-Budget Submission outlines four key budget priorities and 13 specific recommendations that we believe the Government of Ontario should adopt to restore fiscal balance and spur economic growth for the economy.
The Government of Ontario must ensure that it utilizes the budget as a tool for economic growth and to support Ontario business. This requires removing the costs of doing business in Ontario, emphasizing strategic infrastructure development and working to foster business competitiveness that allows municipalities to thrive.
The OCC’s pre-budget submission outlines many opportunities for business and government to work together to develop a coordinated response to these challenges. We firmly believe that the recommendations outlined in our submission will strengthen Ontario’s economy and ensure that Ontario remains an attractive environment for capital investment.
The 2017 Provincial Pre-Budget Submission can be found HERE.